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Supporting Vanderhoof Free Public Skating

December 29, 2023

Artemis Gold is pleased to support the District of Vanderhoof in offering free public skating sessions at the Vanderhoof arena this winter, providing an opportunity for community members and families to have fun on the ice or work on improving their skills.

Our donation was part of Artemis Gold’s Community Sponsorship Program which strives to create a meaningful and lasting positive impact within the Blackwater Mine region. We are pleased to have this opportunity to support health and community in Vanderhoof.

I know there are a lot of people who make use of the ice time and the District of Vanderhoof really does appreciate all of the efforts of our sponsors to help make this a wonderful community to live in, so thank-you on behalf of all of our local residents who use the Arena.” – Mayor Kevin Moutray

Sponsor Artemis Val Vanderhoof

Val Erickson, Community Relations Manager, presents a cheque to the District of Vanderhoof to support free public skating and drop-in hockey at the Vanderhoof arena.
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