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Supporting Holiday Hampers

December 22, 2023

This holiday season, Artemis Gold is pleased to support the holiday hamper programs of several organizations in local and Indigenous communities near Blackwater Mine. 

We recently visited with some of the programs and communities we are supporting this holiday season, including: Saik'uz First Nation, Lhoosk'uz Dené Nation, Nazko First Nation, Fort Fraser Food Bank, Nourish Food Bank in Quesnel and Kin Club of Vanderhoof. We also contributed to the holiday hamper programs of Ulkatcho First Nation, Nadleh Whut'en First Nation, Stellat'en First Nation, The Link, Fraser Lake Crisis Centre, and Prince George Salvation Army (photos not available).

Our donations are part of Artemis Gold's Community Sponsorship Program which strives to create a meaningful and lasting positive impact within the Blackwater Mine region.

We are pleased to have this opportunity to support health and community in our local area.

Nazko Holiday Hamper

Nourish Food Bank

Nazko Food Bank

Lhoosk'uz Holiday Hamper

Kin Club 18

Kin Club 18

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