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Stellat'en First Nation - Indigenous Veterans Day Ceremony

November 10, 2023

On November 8, Indigenous Veterans Day, Damien Ketlo, Indigenous Relations Liaison, and Claudette Gouger, Indigenous and Community Relations Coordinator, attended a ceremony at the Stellat'en First Nation.

This is the first year that Stellat'en First Nation is celebrating National Indigenous Veterans Day, with an event held in the newly-constructed gazebo around the Veteran's Memorial. The ceremony acknowledged the Indigenous veterans from Stellat'en who have served in the armed forces. It was followed by a community brunch which included a display on Stellat'en veterans created by Peter Luggi.

We are pleased to have support the development of the memorial park in 2022 and to support the community event this year.

Stellat'en First Nation veterans memorial
Indigenous Veterans display
Donors plaque, acknowledging Artemis Gold
Memorial gazebo
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