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Diversifying our skills

November 6, 2023

At Blackwater Mine, all of our water management systems and potable water systems use HDPE pipes, a flexible plastic pipe. In B.C., you need to be a certified fuser to perform repairs or install new pipelines.

Six members of our Infrastructure team and three leaders of other teams on site recently completed the HDPE fusion training and passed the test, which included a timed fusing. We are pleased to support our employees in expanding their skillset.

Congratulations to Logan Capoose (Ulkatcho First Nation), Allison Moise (Nak’azdli Whut’en First Nation), Jared Pukacz (Tsilhqot’in Nation), Daniel Ivens (150 Mile House), Jason Wormald (100 Mile House), and Gregory D’Amico, Plumber – Waste Treatment Plant Technician, Alexander Wills, Earthworks Construction Superintendent, Benjamin Simpkins, Infrastructure Superintendent, and Darren Swinson, Fixed Plant Maintenance Manager.

5 of the 6 newly-certified fusers from our Infrastructure team (left to right): Logan Capoose (Ulkatcho First Nation), Jared Pukacz (Tsilhqot'in Nation), Daniel Ivens (150 Mile House), Allison Moise (Nak'azdli Whut'en First Nation) and Jason Wormald (100 Mile House).

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