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Artemis Gold statement on preliminary findings from the Nadleh Whut’en First Nation's ongoing search of the Lejac Residential School grounds

December 3, 2024

We join the Nadleh Whut’en and Stellat’en First Nations, along with our company's other Indigenous partners, and all Indigenous peoples in Canada in sorrow at the recent discovery of potential unmarked graves at the site of the former Lejac Residential School. 

We are profoundly saddened by this news and recognize the immense pain and grief that this discovery brings. The history of residential schools in Canada is a tragic chapter that has left lasting scars on Indigenous communities, and the discovery of more potential gravesites is a stark reminder of the injustices and suffering endured by so many. 

"We are committed to supporting reconciliation efforts and fostering respectful and meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities. We stand with you during this difficult time and offer our support in any way that may be helpful to your community as you navigate through this period of mourning and reflection," said Steven Dean, Chairman and CEO for Artemis Gold Inc.

We encourage all Canadians to learn more about Canada's residential school system. The report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission:  http://www.trc.ca/

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