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Artemis Gold statement on Phase II findings from the Williams Lake First Nation's St. Joseph's Mission Investigation

January 26, 2023

We join the Williams Lake First Nation, our company's Indigenous partners, and all Indigenous peoples in Canada in sorrow at the discovery of another 66 potential burial sites at the former St. Joseph's Mission site, bringing the total at the site to 159. Our hearts are with you. We acknowledge the damage that residential schools have done to generations of Indigenous peoples in Canada and commit to continuing to listen, learn and act on reconciliation.

"Yesterday's findings are another reminder of the devastating history of residential schools in Canada and the negative impact they continue to have on Indigenous Peoples. Our team at Artemis is steadfast in our desire that our project advances reconciliation and that we continue to develop strong relationships built on trust and respect with our Indigenous partners. We offer our condolences for all who mourn and join them in their grief," said Steven Dean, Chairman and CEO for Artemis Gold Inc.

We encourage all Canadians to learn more about Canada's residential school system:

• The report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: http://www.trc.ca/

• The history of orange shirts: https://www.orangeshirtday.org/

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