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Indigenous Peoples and Communities

Artemis Gold, through its development of the Blackwater Mine, is committed to building and maintaining respectful, long-lasting and collaborative relationships with Indigenous peoples, host communities, local governments and institutions who are associated with and affected by our operation. Artemis Gold is also committed to promoting and supporting economic, employment, business and social development benefits and opportunities.

We are committed to ensuring the Blackwater Mine brings sustainable and healthy change, over the course of its mine life, for people living in the region. We understand that the Blackwater Mine is located in proximity to the Highway of Tears. Along this highway, and in the region, a number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous women have been murdered or gone missing. As such, we will place a heightened priority on and awareness of the safety of women and families throughout the Blackwater Mine’s development and operation. In building and operating our project, we will model a health and safety culture that embraces communities, employees, contractors and suppliers.

Our approach is guided by human and Indigenous rights, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action, along with leading international performance and risk management standards. Our commitments are enshrined in our Health, Safety, Environment and Social Performance Committee charter and upheld by our leadership team.

Artemis Gold would like to acknowledge that the Blackwater Mine site is located within the traditional territories of the Lhoosk’uz Dené Nation and Ulkatcho First Nation. On acquiring Blackwater, Artemis Gold became party to and made a commitment to implementing a Participation Agreement signed with the Lhoosk’uz Dene Nation and Ulkatcho First Nation in 2019. In May 2021, Artemis Gold also signed a Cooperation Agreement with the neighbouring Nazko First Nation in relation to the development of the Blackwater Mine. Artemis Gold is continuing negotiations with the neighbouring Saik’uz First Nation, Stellat’en First Nation and Nadleh Whut’en with the goal of reaching mutually acceptable arrangements that will include accommodative measures and other benefits, and remains committed to achieving this goal.

As we work together to advance the Blackwater Mine to production, Artemis Gold is committed to respecting and enhancing the health, social and economic aspects of the communities in which the Company operates.

Artemis Gold's commitment to our relationships with Indigenous peoples includes acknowledging the heartbreaking discoveries of the remains of Indigenous children at former residential school locations in British Columbia, other parts of Canada and in the United States of America. These discoveries are a painful reminder of the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada. We recognize the damaging legacy inflicted upon residential school and generational survivors and communities caused by the residential school system, and we take time to reflect on the dark chapter of history and the tragic generational implications it holds for people and families today. We extend our sincerest condolences to Canada’s Indigenous peoples and we mourn with them in their journey of healing.

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