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Community Sponsorship Program

Artemis Gold’s Community Sponsorship Program strives to create a meaningful and lasting positive impact within the Blackwater Mine region.

The Company has targeted four areas for community sponsorship:

  • Education: Specifically institutions of higher education with particular emphasis on mining related professions at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Health: Focusing on programs that will have broad based benefits to the local communities in which Artemis Gold operates.
  • Arts & Culture: Focusing on First Nations, including visual and performing arts organizations, libraries, museums and cultural centres.
  • Social & Community: Includes entities providing services to the community at large to stimulate sustainable development.

Organizations/Nations supported as part of Artemis Gold’s Community Sponsorship Program include:

  • Fort Fraser Food Bank
  • Fort St. James Toy and Food Drive
  • Fraser Lake Crisis Centre
  • Kinette Club of Vanderhoof
  • Lakes District Family Enhancement Society
  • Lightning Creek Ski Club
  • Nechako Valley Sporting Association – Waterlily Lake Trails
  • Vanderhoof Community for Kids

Any non-profit organization or interested party that is interested in applying to be considered as part of Artemis Gold’s 2024 strategic social investment can download the 2024 application form here.

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