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Supporting Local Outdoor Activities

February 6, 2025

Artemis Gold's Community Sponsorship Program strives to create a meaningful and lasting positive impact within the Blackwater Mine region.

We are pleased to support the Nechako Valley Sporting Association in maintaining and upgrading the Waterlily Trails, a 20-kilometre network of public trails north of Vanderhoof, B.C.
The trails are a free community outdoor facility that allow access to motorized and non-motorized recreation in the back country. They are popular in the winter months for cross country skiers, and during the snow-free months they are utilized by equestrian riders, hikers, and ATV users.

We are pleased to have this opportunity to support outdoor activities and health in our local communities.

Supporting Holiday Hamper Programs & Initiatives
Nick Plett, Community Relations Manager, presents a cheque Paul Collard, Director, Nechako Valley Sporting Association.
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